team2 – GreenHavak Green does it again! Sun, 18 Jul 2021 14:53:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 194757058 Team2 Sun, 11 Jul 2021 19:47:50 +0000 Team2 subtitle here

After my first EU and NA open division runs with animals legacy and castaways ending a near or top 16 results I ran into MagicM8Ball of Team2. They were looking to take their team more seriously after a top 8 run in the GameStop tournament one of the larger tournaments of the year.

After my first session with the team we pretty much clicked and they wanted to bring me on board almost immediately.
We would begin our grind and preparation as we prepared to go to the NCS major in Huntington California. Leading up to the event we had basically no top tier scrims and had to resort on mainly scrimming with SwordWalker and Castaways.

Coming in as one of the definite underdogs of the tournament team two would come alive in the LAN environment and go on to make third place run. Only behind the top NA Open Division project Astray and the contenders team Bermuda.

Team2’s players had never seen a top open division run so performing so well in the LAN gave them the confidence they needed in our next open division to make a top 16 run ultimately placing 10th in the final bracket.

The team but ultimately go a few different ways with some of the players moving over to Regen some to Golden Gophers and others taking a break. This would set up my journey to head over to team Scion.
