def mode – GreenHavak Green does it again! Sun, 18 Jul 2021 17:41:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 194757058 Scion Sun, 18 Jul 2021 17:40:07 +0000

Subtitle here?

Scion Esports had been a Org for a bit making some decent pushes and open division but the season before I had joined they had gone 7/3 and fell just shy of the top 16.

Kyukko a manager I had worked briefly with on castaways saw my LFT from Team 2 and immediately contacted to pull me onto Scion Esports. After my first week with them trying out as a coach they decided to pull me on.

Ultimately Scion would have a little bit of a LAX environment and not the most intensive scrim schedule but I adapted to what the players wanted in their approach to learning and with that we achieved a great level of success.

Our open division run would go 12/0 the regular season. Blizzard would ultimately throw a curve ball and before the open division top 16 playoffs would begin, they introduced the echo flash ops tournament. This tournament allowed OverWatch League and contenders players to play with the tier 3 scene to see who could compete at the highest level with the condition that the brand new hero Echo was used in every comp.

Scion adapted to this extremely quickly ultimately we would go all the way to second place only losing to an all OverWatch League, streamer and contender team.

On the heels of that success we would finish the top 16 playoffs undefeated and claim first place.

Scion would then go on a tear through contender scrims even a few owl blocks and some community cup tournaments hosted by Fran and become one of the top OverWatch teams in the na environment.

Sadly our confidence would get the best of us and in two separate attempts we would fall short in Trials to DarkMode a rival team of ours — a team that has now become one of the longest standing NA contenders teams.

Scion ultimately decided to take their path a Little lighter and the team would ultimately decide to go it’s separate ways with some of the members staying together to form the team Susano meanwhile I would transition back over to EU and start my journey with Ex Oblivione.

DEF Mode Sun, 18 Jul 2021 15:31:23 +0000 DEF Mode subtitle here

DEF Mode was a side project during our attack Mode run where we took a promising roster of players so we could work on internal scrims and keep certain strategies hidden.

Ultimately we wouldn’t be able to keep this roster as we transitioned into Drifters but before that happened defense mode would cement themselves as one of the top na open division teams.
