ctz seraph – GreenHavak https://greenhavak.com Green does it again! Sun, 18 Jul 2021 17:25:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 194757058 Animals Legacy / Guys Dive Widow / CtZ Seraph / Chaos Insurgency https://greenhavak.com/ctz-seraph/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ctz-seraph Sun, 11 Jul 2021 20:34:30 +0000 https://greenhavak.com/?p=2831 AL, GDW, StZ Seraph subtitle

Animals legacy was my first step into the T3 environment as a head coach ultimately this would be the only season as head coach that I ever miss out on top 16 for open division. For my first experience ever in the tier 3 environment getting top 20 was still a great learning experience and I would take that forward into my future campaigns.

After my first season with animals legacy the organization decided to take their team in another direction but the roster stayed with me and we became Guys Dive Widow.

Ultimately we weren’t under this name for very long as the organization CitizenZ would pick us up and we would play under the name CtZ Seraph for the remainder of that season. We would fall one spot shy of trials in the open division playoffs but for only my second OD with the same roster making top eight was an awesome experience.

In my third and final season with CtZ Seraph schedule complications would arise towards the start of the round of 16 this would lead to IQB taking over as head coach and the team being renamed to Chaos Insurgency.

I stayed active with the team and performed a few VOD reviews helping prepare for their upcoming matches where they ultimately would succeed in gaining third place and making it to contenders trials!
