Coaching – GreenHavak Green does it again! Sun, 18 Jul 2021 17:41:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 194757058 Scion Sun, 18 Jul 2021 17:40:07 +0000

Subtitle here?

Scion Esports had been a Org for a bit making some decent pushes and open division but the season before I had joined they had gone 7/3 and fell just shy of the top 16.

Kyukko a manager I had worked briefly with on castaways saw my LFT from Team 2 and immediately contacted to pull me onto Scion Esports. After my first week with them trying out as a coach they decided to pull me on.

Ultimately Scion would have a little bit of a LAX environment and not the most intensive scrim schedule but I adapted to what the players wanted in their approach to learning and with that we achieved a great level of success.

Our open division run would go 12/0 the regular season. Blizzard would ultimately throw a curve ball and before the open division top 16 playoffs would begin, they introduced the echo flash ops tournament. This tournament allowed OverWatch League and contenders players to play with the tier 3 scene to see who could compete at the highest level with the condition that the brand new hero Echo was used in every comp.

Scion adapted to this extremely quickly ultimately we would go all the way to second place only losing to an all OverWatch League, streamer and contender team.

On the heels of that success we would finish the top 16 playoffs undefeated and claim first place.

Scion would then go on a tear through contender scrims even a few owl blocks and some community cup tournaments hosted by Fran and become one of the top OverWatch teams in the na environment.

Sadly our confidence would get the best of us and in two separate attempts we would fall short in Trials to DarkMode a rival team of ours — a team that has now become one of the longest standing NA contenders teams.

Scion ultimately decided to take their path a Little lighter and the team would ultimately decide to go it’s separate ways with some of the members staying together to form the team Susano meanwhile I would transition back over to EU and start my journey with Ex Oblivione.

EX Oblivione Sun, 18 Jul 2021 17:28:00 +0000

EX Oblivione Subtitle Here

When I got the offer to join EX Oblivion they were already competing in EU contenders/trials. They had accumulated some points towards making playoffs but we’re still in a spot where they could potentially fail to clinch.

Deciding to approach making playoffs as the true priority a little bit of money ball was played where we focused only on matches that would earn us points to make sure that we stayed positive ultimately this would have us drop certain maps and or matches that potentially we could have won otherwise but the system would prove correct and we would we would make playoffs for the season.

Having made playoffs are system change drastically we began to hard prepare for all of our opponents and this new level of preparation ultimately paid off in dividends seeing us take down two of the largest orgs in EU contenders at the time, Sheer Cold and The Young and beautiful.

We would fall out of the losers bracket into the lower bracket with a close 3/1 loss to the #1 team the British Hurricane.
In our next game we did our best to bounce back but the raspberry racers previously the Paris Eternal Academy also proved too much for us taking their win 3-1 as well in another tightly fought series.

Despite the losses the team was still extremely happy that we had been able to make the grind and improve from constantly fighting for our position in trials and low contenders to a top three team. We would cement this title in our next competition in contenders in the new format where we would place fourth in our first competition and maintain our spot in contenders proper.

Sadly this is where my run with ex Oblivion came to an end as it was near impossible for me to keep up with the EU schedule as COVID and the protests in NA prove too emotionally difficult to be able to give my all.  I helped in the final coats evaluations to decide who would ultimately move into my spot and help take the team forward.

DEF Mode Sun, 18 Jul 2021 15:31:23 +0000 DEF Mode subtitle here

DEF Mode was a side project during our attack Mode run where we took a promising roster of players so we could work on internal scrims and keep certain strategies hidden.

Ultimately we wouldn’t be able to keep this roster as we transitioned into Drifters but before that happened defense mode would cement themselves as one of the top na open division teams.

Castaways / GoatWalkers / RGN Sun, 18 Jul 2021 14:54:07 +0000 Cast/Goat/RGN subtitle here

Castaways was my first NA team, they were operating in the tier 4 environment trying to break into the tier 3 scene coming up on their first NA Open Division. When I first joined I was a coaching consultant slash assistant coach but it was short into the season that I would become head coach.

So there were some close calls ultimately castaways would end up making the top 16 and make a run into the 7th / 8th position for the NA Open Division.

After this first season I would take a step back from being the head coach of Castaways as SwordWalker and fate??? would take more front and center roll with the team, as I began to focus more on my new head coach position at Team 2.

As SwordWalker became the head coach castaways transitioned into GoatWalkers, I would do some coaching consulting with SwordWalker to help him prepare for his first run as a solo head coach in the tier 3 environment and GoatWalkers would end up making a top 16 run.

After their successful run they would decide to take their marketing a little more seriously and become the brand RGN they would go on to make another top OD run and this time they would make trials with sword Walker at the helm and me continuing my coaching consulting.

Animals Legacy / Guys Dive Widow / CtZ Seraph / Chaos Insurgency Sun, 11 Jul 2021 20:34:30 +0000 AL, GDW, StZ Seraph subtitle

Animals legacy was my first step into the T3 environment as a head coach ultimately this would be the only season as head coach that I ever miss out on top 16 for open division. For my first experience ever in the tier 3 environment getting top 20 was still a great learning experience and I would take that forward into my future campaigns.

After my first season with animals legacy the organization decided to take their team in another direction but the roster stayed with me and we became Guys Dive Widow.

Ultimately we weren’t under this name for very long as the organization CitizenZ would pick us up and we would play under the name CtZ Seraph for the remainder of that season. We would fall one spot shy of trials in the open division playoffs but for only my second OD with the same roster making top eight was an awesome experience.

In my third and final season with CtZ Seraph schedule complications would arise towards the start of the round of 16 this would lead to IQB taking over as head coach and the team being renamed to Chaos Insurgency.

I stayed active with the team and performed a few VOD reviews helping prepare for their upcoming matches where they ultimately would succeed in gaining third place and making it to contenders trials!

Team2 Sun, 11 Jul 2021 19:47:50 +0000 Team2 subtitle here

After my first EU and NA open division runs with animals legacy and castaways ending a near or top 16 results I ran into MagicM8Ball of Team2. They were looking to take their team more seriously after a top 8 run in the GameStop tournament one of the larger tournaments of the year.

After my first session with the team we pretty much clicked and they wanted to bring me on board almost immediately.
We would begin our grind and preparation as we prepared to go to the NCS major in Huntington California. Leading up to the event we had basically no top tier scrims and had to resort on mainly scrimming with SwordWalker and Castaways.

Coming in as one of the definite underdogs of the tournament team two would come alive in the LAN environment and go on to make third place run. Only behind the top NA Open Division project Astray and the contenders team Bermuda.

Team2’s players had never seen a top open division run so performing so well in the LAN gave them the confidence they needed in our next open division to make a top 16 run ultimately placing 10th in the final bracket.

The team but ultimately go a few different ways with some of the players moving over to Regen some to Golden Gophers and others taking a break. This would set up my journey to head over to team Scion.

Drifters / Initial Drift / ATK Mode, NA Sun, 11 Jul 2021 19:45:24 +0000 Subtitle for this post

After a small break post ex Oblivion I was ready to reenter the coaching space for NA. I was quickly contacted by a previous casting colleague, ATK Mode’s CEO Bemmie.

Bemmie would ultimately offer a no strings attached opportunity to run ATK Mode’s Overwatch program provided I maintain a positive and forward-thinking team and learning environment. With the agreement made ATK Mode OW was born, with only a little over a week before the next season of open division would begin the race was on to find a roster.

We barely beat the buzzer but we would have our starting six! With some quick learning and great effort ATK roster would just barely fall short of making contenders trials losing out to the all x contenders Malibu remake.

ATK’s dominance in the tier 3 scene would see us win many minor trophies, strong placements in a few events and two more OD runs where we would finish just outside of making contenders trials.

In our final OD run as ATK Mode we would go on a run that would get us the attention of our next venture, eliminating the EX contenders programs Drifters, Hour Zero, Side Hustle and Sigma No Hands.

The opportunity would actually be one of the teams we eliminated, Drifters.

Our first tournament with the org would be played under the name Initial Drift and we would go on to place fourth in the blizzard run flash ops that allowed OverWatch League teams to play as full rosters. We would be the only team not entirely owl to make the top four.This confidence from the tournament and the new brand behind us would see us make a first place run in our next open division and make contenders trials.

Our contenders trials run would come to an end with us being sent back to open division. Even though our run didn’t go the way we hoped we were still happy with our performance keeping every game competitive and taking wins off of two teams that would make it into contenders proper.
