Charles “GreenHavak” Morrow

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris commodo neque et tempus ullamcorper. Nullam rutrum gravida diam, ac accumsan urna. Proin sodales malesuada diam eu dignissim. Proin ut mauris varius ipsum tempor rhoncus. Curabitur blandit scelerisque sapien, nec dignissim erat sagittis id. Integer vel viverra tortor, net ipsum. Nullam ut rutrum lectus, eu sagittis turpis.
"Better People = Better Players" - GreenHavak

Performance to Date: Match Win Rate: 77% | Map Win Rate: 73%
By the Numbers: 310 Matches - 238 WINS | 945 Maps - 689 WINS

Drifters / Initial Drift / ATK Mode, NA
Head Coach - (8/14/2020 - Present)
Match Win Rate 77% (87-17)  |  Map Win Rate 80% (251-64)


  • 1st Fran Charity Cup
  • 2nd Frans Community Cup #1
  • 1st Open Division S1 2020
  • 2nd Echo Flash Ops


  • MT: Lava, Crimson
  • OT: Greg, Gummy, Schipp
  • HS: Boat, Kabe, Zemrit, Rokit
  • Fdps: Squid, Chime
  • MS: Ani, MagicM8Ball, Neptune
  • Flex: Skyward, Seajay, Paz, Yimitra
  • Manager: OpeN, Jangwa
  • Coach: Swordwalker, Poketude

team origin

GreenHavak was originally contacted to work with Scion in a series of team vod reviews by Kyukko but after the first few reviews it was clear there was a click so the conversation quickly became about joining in a full capacity.

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DEF Mode, NA
Head Coach - (2/10/2019 - 3/25/2020)
Match Win Rate 93% (13-2) | Map Win Rate 89% (41-6)


  • 1st Fran Charity Cup
  • 2nd Frans Community Cup #1
  • 1st Open Division S1 2020
  • 2nd Echo Flash Ops


  • MT: Bolbi
  • OT: Greg
  • HS: Boat
  • Fdps: Maxwell
  • MS: Cal
  • Flex: Geo
  • Manager: OpeN
  • Coach: Swordwalker, Poketude

team origin

DEF Mode was a side project during our ATK Mode run where we took on a promising roster of players for internal scrims to keep certain strategies hidden.

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EX Oblivione, EU
Head Coach - (5/06/2020 - 8/04/2020)
Match Win Rate 61% (12-9) | Map Win Rate 61% (30-22)


  • 1st Fran Charity Cup
  • 2nd Frans Community Cup #1
  • 1st Open Division S1 2020
  • 2nd Echo Flash Ops


  • MT: Vita, DaanS, Witenoise
  • OT: Rene
  • HS: Phi, Sycamore
  • Fdps: Linnou, Naga
  • MS: Karra
  • Flex: Slay
  • Manager: Kevhx
  • Coach: ccyruss, aLx

team origin

When I got the offer to join EX Oblivion they were already competing in EU Contenders Trials. They had accumulated some points towards making playoffs but...

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Scion, NA
Head Coach - (8/14/2020 - Present)
Match Win Rate 77% (87-17) | Map Win Rate 80% (251-64)


  • 1st Fran Charity Cup
  • 2nd Frans Community Cup #1
  • 1st Open Division S1 2020
  • 2nd Echo Flash Ops


  • MT: Firewolf & Nich
  • OT: Gummy
  • HS: Cohesion & WannaB
  • Fdps: Cyy
  • MS: Grapes & Guther
  • Flex: Lukemino
  • Manager: Kyukko
  • Coach: Knaki

team origin

Kyukko, a manager I had worked briefly with on Castaways saw my LFT from Team 2 and contacted me about jumping on board with Scion Esports.

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Team 2, NA
Head Coach - (11/22/2019 - 4/19/2020)
Match Win Rate 73% (21-9) | Map Win Rate 68% (70-33)


  • 1st Fran Charity Cup
  • 2nd Frans Community Cup #1
  • 1st Open Division S1 2020
  • 2nd Echo Flash Ops


  • MT: DeVil
  • OT: PG1
  • HS: WannaB, Boat
  • Fdps: NiC
  • MS: MagicM8Ball
  • Flex: Seajay
  • Manager: Wish
  • Coach: N/A

team origin

After my first EU and NA open division runs with Animals Legacy and Castaways ending with near top 16 results, I ran into MagicM8Ball of Team2.

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Animals Legacy / CtZ Seraph / Chaos Insurgency, EU
Head Coach - (10/20/2019 - 5/28/2020)
Match Win Rate 76% (39-12) | Map Win Rate 70% (121-51)


  • 1st Fran Charity Cup
  • 2nd Frans Community Cup #1
  • 1st Open Division S1 2020
  • 2nd Echo Flash Ops


  • MT: BaconThief, Task
  • OT: PureIrish
  • HS: Arca
  • Fdps: Faenor
  • MS: Yellow
  • Flex: Sauce
  • Manager: Hoon, Hina
  • Coach: IQB

team origin

Animals Legacy was my first step into the T3 environment as a head coach ultimately this would be the only season as head coach that I ever miss out on top 16 for open division.

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Castaways / Goatwalkers / RGN, NA
Coaching Consultant - (11/22/2019 - 4/19/2020)
Match Win Rate 73% (63-24) | Map Win Rate 67% (153-74)


  • 1st Fran Charity Cup
  • 2nd Frans Community Cup #1
  • 1st Open Division S1 2020
  • 2nd Echo Flash Ops


  • MT: Lamavere, Lava
  • OT: Schipp
  • HS: CoolABC, Chopper
  • Fdps: Boat, NiC
  • MS: MagicM8Ball, Neptune, Micro, Momentum, Flutey
  • Flex: Seajay, Hattipper
  • Manager: OpeN, Kyukko, Aqua
  • Coach: Swordwalker, Poketude

team origin

Castaways was my first NA team. They were operating in the tier 4 environment trying to break into the tier 3 scene coming up on their first NA Open Division.

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